Quills, Quidditch, Spell Books, and Creatures
Students learned the magical art of bookmaking as they created their own textbooks and spell books both in soft and handmade hardcover. There were lots of fun materials to choose from and it was excited to see how everyone transfigured their's uniquely! Quills were made and everyone received an inkwell and ink to practice with and have. | Once again Gilderoy Lockhart made an appearance and was available for a book signing for his newest book: Magical Me. Students lined up, some because they are fans and others just to have a laugh. |
Thursday was a beautiful day for some outdoor Quidditch. Slytherdor took on Huffleclaw and won all three matches. The snitches were easily caught and students seemed to enjoy being outside the castle. Since the storyline of this year's camp follows book 2, Chamber of Secrets, we also celebrated Valentine's Day on Thursday. Just like in the book it was Lockhart and a singing troll who sang to students and handed out valentines. Many students asked where they could find these things to buy more: Sculpey Clay-Hobby Lobby and Jo'Anns' Fabric. Ink Wells-Hobby Lobby or recycle any small glass bottle. Ink for inkwells-hobby lobby. Quill tips (also called lettering or pen nibs) can be purchased at Blick Art Materials online (actually you can find ink and clay there as well) | We also had a charms lessons in which students reviewed and learned many spells and charms. This came in handy for the dueling club that happened Thursday in the dungeon headed up by Gilderoy Lockhart and his "assistant" Professor Snape (who really ran the dueling club). Thursday was also Care of Magical Creatures. The houses earned points for their knowledge of the many characteristics of the wonderful creatures in the wizarding world. They were then able to scuplt creatures or any magical being or object of their choice with sculpey clay. Check out the student art gallery here. Creativity is Magic! |