This summer our art camp was focused around book 6: The Half Blood Prince. 63 young witches and wizards flew in for a week of creativity, magic, and mischief. We changed locations this year and it ended up bringing lots of fun and new possibilities! This blog post highlights the main activities and features student's art. Please visit the HP Camp 2019 Student Gallery to view more images of the wonderful creations and students hard at work. It was my pleasure to work with these awesome young people for a week in June. -Headmaster Ali LaRock |
Ollivander's and Common Rooms...
Wandmaking We had a room set up like Ollivander's where students could find all the parts they needed to craft their own wands and wand boxes during the week. Peg People and Pygmy Puffs!These were the two projects students seemed to really get into during the week: creating hand painted peg people characters and pygmy puffs! |
Pensieves and More...
There were so many projects offered during this week. Student's had the freedom to chose what they wanted to focus on and create. It was interesting to see what each person was most inspired by.
There were so many projects offered during this week. Student's had the freedom to chose what they wanted to focus on and create. It was interesting to see what each person was most inspired by.
Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Potions...

Professor Snape taught a very ahh "interesting" lesson on the dangers lurking in our world. Student's questioned him and he grew impatient. Points were taken away. Gryffindors seemed to question his lesson most.
Quidditch try outs and matches
Students were able to try out for as many positions as they liked, guaranteed to be given one position. Try outs took longer than expected but it was fun. Quick matches were able to be played the next day. Those who chose not to play cheered on their houses!
Into the Cave and House Cup

The final point earning challenge for week was for the houses to go into the cave and try to retrieve the locket from the basin. As we were in the basement of the building it was quite creepy. Only one picture was taken but those who were there know it was creepy-in a fun way! Each house had to drink the potion in order to begin their hunt to find the locket.
Ravenclaw takes house cup again!
It was another great summer. As always we ran out of time on many things. We did have an end of term feast but it was rushed. The cave locket search took longer than expected but it was worth it! Please check out the 2019 HP Student Art Gallery for more pictures! |